Friday, 5 September 2014

Hello Everyone!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome, to English 1080 blog! I will be doing weekly updates to this blog as mandated by my English teacher or else I have to wear the DUNCE cap. Just kidding there's no DUNCE cap. Enough talk about the English course, now let's talk about me! I was born in Bangladesh and my family moved here when I was in grade four. I've been in Canada for more than eight years now. My first year in Canada was spent in Toronto where I lived on Kennedy Road in an apartment building. If you don't know about Kennedy Road, it's one of the worst places in Toronto; I hated living there. One time in order to reach my apartment, I had to jump over a drunken homeless man who fell asleep in the hallway of my apartment building. After the year had past we moved to the small city of Guelph; the city only had a population of 115,000. I spent five years of my eight years in Guelph. The city was calm and quiet; there was definitely no drunks lying around. I enjoyed my time in Guelph and made some of my best friends there. Two years ago, I moved to St. John's because my father got a job here. At first I hated everything about St. John's from the cold and unpredictable weather to the people themselves; I couldn't wait to go back to Ontario. I applied to every university in Ontario hoping to return there and I got accepted to the one I wished to go to. I was all ready to go until a few days before my public exam. I started to think about my university more seriously and finally I realized that Newfoundland wasn't as bad as I remembered. Things were different at that point from when I had arrived initially. I made friends, got involved in activities, and got used to the unpredictable weather. I decided to let the Ontario University know I won’t be attending the fall semester or any other semester there because I was happy with where I was. So my decision to not attend a University out of province has led me to this blog post. I will have another update next week so please don't forget to check back.  



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